Google scholar h index

Google Scholar Metrics Help

The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h …

Google Scholar Citations

Google Scholar Citations lets you track citations to your publications over …

h-index – Utvärdering av vetenskapliga publikationer – LibGuides

Google Scholar-instruktioner: h-index – Utvärdering av vetenskapliga publikationer – LibGuides at Tritonia

7 maj 2021 — Google Scholar Citations är en användarprofiltjänst som upprätthålls av Google. En forskare kan skapa ett eget konto (gmail-konto) och lägga …

Finding Your H-index (Hirsch index) in Google Scholar | Library

The H-index is displayed in the “Cited by” box on the right hand of your profile page. Also displayed are the total number of citations that all of the articles …

Learn how to calculate your h-index on Google Scholar

Learn how to calculate your h-index on Google Scholar – Paperpile

Learn how to calculate your h-index using Google Scholar online for free, and which tools to use for a detailed analysis.

Finding h-index in Google Scholar – Ask Us

17 maj 2022 — How to find h-index in Google Scholar · Access Google Scholar and type the name of the author into the search box. · Selecting the user profiles …

Finding your h-index in Google Scholar – YouTube

engelska – Statistik för Google Scholar

A genetic factor explains most of the variation in the psychopathic personality. H Larsson, H Andershed, P Lichtenstein. Journal of abnormal psychology 115 …

engelska – Statistik för Google Scholar

Henrik Larsson – Google Scholar

7 dec. 2022 — Google Scholar Citations is a citation service provided free of charge. It is easy to set up, especially if you already have a Google …

Karolinska Institutet and Örebro universitet in Sweden – Citerat av 28 451 – ADHD – Psychiatric epidemiology – Register-based studies – Twin studies – Quantitative genetics

‪Henrik Larsson‬ – ‪Google Scholar‬

Google Scholar Citations – Measuring your research impact – LibGuides at Cornell University

Keywords: google scholar h index, h index google scholar, h-index google scholar